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Watch the Webinar

How Brokers Drive Success and Differentiation with Employee Feedback


Watch the Webinar

How Brokers Drive Success and Differentiation with Employee Feedback

Putting the Four Pillars of Success Into Practice With Benefits Surveys

Catch the replay from our March 7th webinar, where we dive into the role of insurance brokers in gathering employee feedback. Learn best practices on how to put these plans into action. In this webinar, we explored:

  • Increasing employee participation
  • Calculating the impact of employee participation & retention during enrollment
  • Measuring the impact of employee dissatisfaction or disinterest in the products or services
  • Tools to launch surveys
  • How pre- and post-enrollment surveys or summaries offer opportunities for growth or expansions
  • And more!
Watch now to discover the best practices and insights TruHu has uncovered.