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Enhancing Engagement and Productivity

As the modern workforce continues to evolve, deskless employees now represent 80% of the global workforce. These workers, who spend most of their working hours away from a traditional desk environment, are vital to organizations across various industries. However, engaging and supporting these employees presents unique challenges.

That’s why we’ve put together an insightful whitepaper, “Enhancing Engagement and Productivity: A Comprehensive Guide for Supporting Deskless Employees,” which provides human resources professionals like you with valuable strategies and best practices backed by relevant research and statistics.


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Enhancing Engagement and Productivity

Partnering with TruHu

TruHu is an innovative employee communication platform that reduces risk and manages support and engagement seamlessly. Partnering with TruHu provides employers and employees with key benefits so everyone thrives.

In this whitepaper, you'll learn:

  • Valuable strategies to engage deskless employees
  • Industry best practices
  • Relevant research and statistics